Development of a Comprehensive Health Promotion Plan: IPE With Athletic Training and Public Health Students

Development of a Comprehensive Health Promotion Plan: IPE With Athletic Training and Public Health Students

There is a knowledge gap that athletic trainers have when it comes to public health topics. The purpose of this model practice is to discuss an interprofessional education (IPE) project between students in athletic training and public health education programs. Within this project, students learn to work together utilizing each discipline’s specific strengths and expertise to develop a plan to address a health concern in a university setting. This includes assigned cooperative learning groups to identify a current health issue impacting collegiate athletes. Students learn to hold a stakeholder interview, develop a comprehensive health promotion plan and devise an implementation strategy.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the importance of athletic trainers' need to understand public health topics. 
  • Develop communication skills between students in health care professions.
  • Teach students how to implement a comprehensive health promotion plan in the athletic setting.

Track: Pedagogy
Format: Model Practice

This Session is Not Eligible for CEUs.

Jodi Schumacher, MS, LAT, ATC

Jodi Schumacher is currently an associate professor at Eastern Michigan University in the Athletic Training Program. Previously, Jodi served as the Program Director for 20+ years and has been a certified athletic trainer for 30 years. Her research interests are Interprofessional Education and student development.  

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