An Introduction to Ergonomic Assessment Tools: Bridging Tradition With Innovation

An Introduction to Ergonomic Assessment Tools: Bridging Tradition With Innovation

This session will dive into the fascinating world of traditional ergonomic assessment tools such as NIOSH Lifting Equation,  Rapid Entire Body Assessment,  Rapid Upper Limb Assessment and Strain Index. These methods have been utilized for years in the field of ergonomic evaluation, offering valuable insights into identifying and mitigating ergonomic risks. By introducing these classic tools, the session will highlight their effectiveness and reliability as well as address the significance of integrating traditional approaches with cutting-edge technological advancements. This session will bridge a knowledge gap that some athletic trainers may have about the tools and their potential benefits when working with industrial athletes and will help to identify and address risk factors.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the importance of ergonomic assessment in the occupational settings to prevent injuries.
  • Introduce ergonomic assessment tools and their applications.
  • Explore the latest technological advancements in ergonomic assessment tools and their applications.
  • Discover best practices and evidence-based approaches for integrating ergonomic assessment tools into the occupational setting.

How is this session relevant to a variety of settings?
Ergonomic assessments tools can be applied to settings beyond the occupational setting. They are utilized in different settings and environments to promote injury prevention. They can be utilized to enhance patient safety and comfort during procedures in the health facilities. Furthermore, they can provide insight in tactical settings to help improve task execution.


Domain 1: Risk Reduction Wellness and Health Literacy 

0.75 Category A

In order to earn your CEUs, you must watch the session video in its entirety and complete the assessment.

Haided Estevez, MS, ATC, LAT

Haided Estevez is an accomplished and passionate Industrial Athletic Trainer with four years of dedicated experience in the industrial setting. With a deep-rooted belief in empowering individuals to lead happy and healthy lives, she has made a significant impact on the overall wellbeing and performance of countless workers in their community.Having completed a Master’s of Athletic Training from Moravian University, Haided possesses a broad understanding of the latest advancements in sports medicine and injury prevention. Additionally, Haided holds a Bachelor's Degree in Sport Exercise Physiology from Desales University, further strengthening her foundation in exercise science and human performance. This comprehensive educational background has nurtured a profound understanding of the intricate relationship between physical health and overall wellbeing.As an Industrial Athletic Trainer, Haided is deeply committed to the concept of total worker health, understanding that a thriving and engaged workforce is key to a successful industrial environment. She firmly believes that prioritizing the health and well-being of workers not only enhances productivity but also boosts job satisfaction and reduces workplace injuries.

COPA Con 2024 Presentation:
An Introduction to Ergonomic Assessment Tools: Bridging Tradition With Innovation

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