Evidence-Based Application of Manual Therapy for the Lumbar and Sacral Spine

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Incorporating manual therapy techniques into a rehabilitation treatment plan can be beneficial in helping to restore normal joint function. The athletic training education curriculum does include an introduction to manual therapy. However, depending on the strength of program’s clinical instructors as well as the length of time a student has been removed from the academic environment, athletic trainers may be cautious in utilizing these techniques due to varying skillset levels. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to provide the athletic trainer with the broad fundamental understanding of the principles that govern manual therapy, begin to assess dysfunction as a regional interdependence rather than an isolated joint, and become confident in the correct application of these techniques.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand treatment principles that govern manual therapy application for the lumbosacral region.
  • Understand the evidence supporting the use of selective manual therapy techniques for the lumbosacral region.
  • Perform a SCAN in order to identify impairments that can be treated with manual therapy pertaining to the lumbosacral region.


Domain 2: Assessment Evaluation and Diagnosis 
Domain 4: Therapeutic Intervention 

3.75 Category A

Keywords: Manual therapy, Lumbar spine, Sacroiliac region

Course Expiration:
This premium course offering must be completed within 12 months from the purchase date.
For full details, refer to the expiration policy on our FAQ page.

Michael Higgins PhD, ATC, PT, CSCS, LAT

Michael is a Professor and Director of the Graduate Athletic Training Program at the University of Virginia.  He received a Master’s degree in Athletic training from the University of Virginia and a PhD in Biomechanics and Movement Science from the University of Delaware. 

Michael has over 32 years of experience working in both the clinical and collegiate settings. His clinical work focuses on manual therapy and athletic specific training.  He has worked at the Union Memorial Sports Medicine Center in Baltimore, MD.  He was an assistant professor and Associate athletic trainer at Duquesne University and University of Delaware where he worked primarily with, men’s lacrosse, men’s basketball, and women’s soccer. He was also a co-owner of Sports Performance Training Systems providing sport specific training for athletes of all ages. 

He has presented at local, state, regional, and national conferences on head impact biomechanics in lacrosse, soccer and manual therapy techniques for the extremities and spine, and athlete specific rehabilitation/training. He has numerous publications in peer reviewed journals and is the author of the textbook Therapeutic Exercise from Theory to Clinical Practice. 

He was awarded the NATA Service Award and Most Distinguished Athletic Trainer Award from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association for his contribution to the Athletic Training profession.

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