Surgical Intervention: Lumbar Spine Discectomy

This is an encore presentation from NATA 2022 in Philadelphia, offering a second chance to experience the event's valuable content and insights.

The most commonly performed procedure for treatment of radiating pain caused by disc herniation is a discectomy. Discectomies are found to have very high rates of success. This presentation will include live video of a discectomy procedure narrated by the surgeon who performed the intervention.  The technique for appropriate evaluation of lumbar spine injury including sensory and motor deficits will be described. Both surgical and non-surgical treatment options will be discussed and compared. A variety of patient cases will be presented with a range of symptoms and severity. Determination of surgical need, surgical recovery timelines and risk of reoccurrence will also be addressed.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the anatomy of the spine and discs.
  • Recognize and diagnose injuries related to the spine and discs.
  • Differentiate the surgical options and employment of surgical procedures for disc injuries.


Domain 2: Assessment Evaluation and Diagnosis 
Domain 4: Therapeutic Intervention 

1.0 Category A

Keywords: radiculopathy, surgical outcomes, disc herniation, lumbar spine

Robert Watkins, IV, MD

Robert G. Watkins, IV, MD, is a board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon. He specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery, artificial disc replacement, and computer-guided spine surgery. He is the Director of the Marina Spine Center, past Chief of Staff of Cedars-Sinai Marina del Rey Hospital, and current spine surgeon for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Rams, Lakers, Clippers, and Kings. He regularly advises the Los Angeles Chargers, Angels, Ducks, Galaxy, and LAFC. He also provides consultation for many professional teams: 15 NFL, 5 MLB, 4 NBA, and 4 NHL. He and his father created of the Back Doctor App, which is a comprehensive back and neck rehabilitation program. Drs. Watkins have given away this program to help hundreds of thousands of people suffering with back and neck pain. He is the author of the two largest publications on surgery in professional athletes for cervical and lumbar spine, as well as, many chapters on spinal injuries in athletes. He is regularly invited to be faculty for medical courses and a guest lecturer on spinal injuries in athletes. Dr Watkins, IV, has been named Top Doctor for the past ten years and to Who’s Who in America list.

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