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Chad Starkey, PhD, ATC, FNATA

Chad Starkey, PhD, ATC, FNATA

Chad Starkey, PhD, AT, (ATC), FNATA, is a Professor and the Chair of Department of Athletic Training at Ohio University in Athens. Chad previously served as the Interim Director of the School of Applied Health Sciences and Wellness (AT, ExPh, Nutrition) and the School of Rehabilitation and Communication Sciences (PA, PT, Speech/Hearing). A graduate of West Virginia University, he received his master’s and doctoral degrees from Ohio University. He has served as a commissioner for the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, on the board of directors for the Board of Certification, and as chair of the Education Council of the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. From 1986 through 2018 he provided epidemiological services to the NBA. He has authored several textbooks focused on sports medicine, orthopedic diagnosis, and therapeutic modalities and served as a co-editor for four editions of Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.