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Ian Hembry, PHD
Ian Hembry, Ph.D. is the director of examinations at Board of Certification (BOC), with fifteen years of experience in psychometrics and research. Dr. Hembry has oversight of the planning, design implementation and development of credentialing exams, assessment activities and research related to BOC programs and services. He leads all facets of exam development to ensure accuracy and fairness to maintain the integrity of credential programs. He has been published in the Journal of Experimental Education, as well as Educational and Psychological Measurement, and has authored and presented more than 75 research studies/technical reports.
Dr. Hembry holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in educational measurement and statistics, both from the University of Iowa, and a Ph.D. in educational psychology: quantitative methods from the University of Texas. Dr. Hembry has been an active member of the Psychometric Society and American Educational Research Association and has been an active member of the National Council of Measurement in Education since 2008.